When I started this blog I didn't know what to expect but what actually happened is that I have a diary of what's been going on in my life since I started it. It also gives me a chance to share some of the many pictures I take on a daily basis. This is for me but if you enjoy it then all the better.


Saturday, 31 May 2008


I went to Italy last weekend for my friend Steve's wedding. It was just north of Milan, just south of Lake Como in a place called Cantú. We flew out on Friday nearly missing the flight because of all the traffic, luckily for us we made it in the nick of time. The check in gate was shutting and we pushed to the front after doing a mad dash from dumping the car off at the capark.

We spent a couple of nights in Cantú, had a great time at the wedding which was superb and then headed down to Milan for a day. What an expensive city, I have done it on the cheap before but wow just to get an orange juice near the Duomo which was extortionate. Didn't put me off and my previous impression was that of Milan being a grimey industrial city but I chnaged my mind this time. I thought it had a nice charm to it. Nothing like Rome or Florence for instance but it's ok.

I've seen loads of cathedrals and chruches in my time and the unique thing about the Duomo for me is that you can go wander on the rooftop and see the amazing statues and architecture. It's a monster and well worth spending some on it!

.......on the roof of the Duomo, just spectacular.

.....and another, gothic pleasure.
Check out Tripadvisor for reviews on where we stayed:

Cantú - Hotel Canturio
Milan - Hotel Splendido, Starhotels

1 comment:

Danny said...

The Italy is very popular destination for the travel lovers. It has alots to offer for people from the acient roman time to modern day italy.
It has grand buildings, fort, national parks, Museum......etc.

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